First Visit FAQs


First Visit FAQs

First Time Visitor?

Here's some information to make your visit easier.

Where Should I Park?
Parking for visitors is available in our main parking lot right off of Clark Ave.  As you enter the parking lot, there are designated visitor spaces on the right.  If all of these spaces in our lot are full, you can park in the parking lot just south of our property at the Long Beach Community College Child Study Center.  Spaces are also available on Arbor road adjacent to Pan Am Park.   

What Should I Wear?
When you enter a worship service at Bethany, you'll instantly notice the diversity in what people wear. Wear something in which you can be "you." There is no dress code at Bethany however many choose to put on their "Sunday Best" for worship. Our only request? Out of respect for others, please dress in a way that is appropriate for a Sunday morning rather than a Friday night.

What is Lutheranism all about?
Read our Bethany Bullet about Martin Luther, the Reformation and Lutheranism.

What is communion all about and do I participate?
Those who believe the following statement to be true are most welcome to receive this sacrament: The Lord's Supper is celebrated at Bethany in the joyful confession that our Lord gives us His very Body and Blood for the forgiveness of sins in this sacrament. God intends this gift for His children who recognize their sin, trust in Christ as their Savior, desire to live for Him alone and join in this joyful confession.

Should I give at the offering?
This is an opportunity in our service for us to be able to give back to God out of what He has first given to us.  We do not expect visitors to participate unless they too are moved to express thankfulness to God for what He has done.

What about Child Care?
We have a staffed nursery available for all of our Sunday morning services.  Ask any of the ushers or someone at the connections table to help you find it.  Parents are more than welcome to stay with their little ones in the nursery.  There is video capability in the nursery so you won't miss out on the service if you decide to stay with your child. 

Will I be able to follow along with the service?
Yes!  Each of our services provides a bulletin with the order of worship and the music for the songs so that you can participate in the worship experience.  At times we will use our hymnal to sing or to follow along during worship.

Any Other Questions?
We'd love to connect with you with any questions that you have before your first visit with us.  DROP US A NOTE and we'd be happy to answer your questions. If you have questions once you arrive you can speak with any of our fabulous ushers or someone at the Connections table in the courtyard next to the church.  

© 2025 Bethany Lutheran Church   |   4644 Clark Ave., Long Beach, CA US 90808

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